Create and Instance and connect via SSH proxy

In this example we will use OpenStack to create a key pair and launch an instance, once the instance is launched will will connect to it using SSH via a proxy host. We do not need to associate a public IP address with the instance for this type of access

Step 1. Sign in to Openstack and create a key pair from your project menu

Give your key pair a name

Step 2. Create an Instance

Now create an instance using OpenStack Horizon web interface, click Project >> Compute >> Instances and click the Launch Instance button

You can boot from an OS image such as Ubuntu or Windows, a snapshot of an instance, a volume (hard drive), or a snapshot of a volume

Select what flavour you want the server be and what network you would like to connect your instance to, then select which of your keys OpenStack should copy to the instance at build time. If you only have one key OpenStack will automatically associate that key with the instance, you should avoid having too many key pairs as it can become confusing as to which private key to use when signing in

Complete the Launch Instance Dialog, you should now have a running instance with your key associated

Open Git Bash, locate your private key from the Downloads folder and make sure that the key is read only. In Bash that means changing the mode of the file with the command

chmod 0600 x12345678.pem

Example 1. Using SSH one Liner

  • you will need to know 3 things to complete this command
    • The name of your private key (e.g. x12345678.pem)
    • The Public IP address of the bastion server(e.g.
    • The Private IP address of your Server (e.g.
In Git Bash:

ssh -i <private-key>.pem -o "ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p -i <private-key>.pem ubuntu@<bastion-public-ip>" ubuntu@<your-instance-ip>

From the example given above this would be:

ssh -i x12345678.pem -o "ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p -i x12345678.pem" ubuntu@

Example 2. Configuring SSH

The problem with Example 1 is that every time you need to log in, you have to look for the command and it's not very intuitive or easy to remember

A better approach would be to configure SSH to use the proxy host by default, we can then configure individual hosts or wild card subnets. For this example I will be using Ubuntu installed via the Windows Subsystem for Linux

Open Ubuntu from the start menu or from the run dialog, when you enter the shell you will be in /home/<username>

first copy your private key from the Windows Download folder into the Ubuntu file system, I copy keys into the home directory, the Windows filesystem can be accessed from the /mnt directory

In Ubuntu: Copy key to home directory.

sudo cp /mnt/c/Users/<username>/Downloads/<private-key.pem> .

The . means copy to this directory. Next we need to make the key file read only

sudo chmod 0600 <private-key.pem>

Now our key file is copied to the Ubuntu environment and is set with the correct read only file permissions.

We will use a text editor to modify the ssh configuration, the config file is in: /etc/ssh/ssh_config

Open the file in your text editor of choice, in this example I will be using vim

Edit the SSH config file:

sudo vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config

with the file open, press i to enter into insert mode

place the cursor at the end of the comments section of the file and paste in the following, change to your key and IP address

Host bastion
User ubuntu
IdentitiesOnly yes
IdentityFile /home/ubuntu/<private-key.pem>

Host myhost
User ubuntu
IdentitiesOnly yes
IdentityFile /home/ubuntu/<private-key.pem>
ProxyCommand ssh bastion -W %h:%p

To save the file, first exit insert mode by pressing esc

Then enter :

Save and quit by entering the command wq!

Example of ssh_config file.

Now whenever you open Ubuntu you can ssh to the name you gave the host and it will proxy through the bastion host

ssh to the name you set in ssh_config:

ssh myhost